# ENS Compatibility Utils

An interface to existing ENS tooling

Our ENSUtils contracts make it easier for developers to use existing tooling like Viem, Ethers, Wagmi, RainbowKit, and other tooling that has support for ENS functionality.

# Contract Addresses

# Viem Compatibility

Set up Viem

import { createPublicClient, http } from 'viem'
import { avalanche } from 'viem/chains'
const client = createPublicClient({ 
  chain: avalanche, 
  transport: http(), 

Next, choose one of the ENSUtils contract addresses from the list of Contract Addresses above.

// Avvy ENS Utils Proxy
const AVVY_ENS_UTILS = '0x24DFa1455A75f64800BFdB2447958D2B632b94f6'

Finally, you can make a call to any of the Viem ENS methods by adding universalResolverAddress and setting it to our ENSUtils contract:

const avvyName = await client.getEnsName({
  address: '0x...',
  universalResolverAddress: AVVY_ENS_UTILS

// returns .avax name

const address = await publicClient.getEnsAddress({
  name: 'avvydomains.avax',
  universalResolverAddress: AVVY_ENS_UTILS

// returns 0x address

The following viem methods will work:

  • getEnsAddress (forward resolution returning EVM address)
  • getEnsName (reverse resolution)
  • getEnsAvatar (forward resolution returning AVATAR)
  • getEnsText (forward resolution returning standard or custom records, specified by key)

# Wagmi Compatibility

Wagmi ENS methods all accept a universalResolverAddress argument and support is similar to Viem support. In general, please see the Viem section above to understand how to use Wagmi with .avax domains.

Specific example:

useEnsAddress is a wrapper around Viem's getEnsAddress and can be called as follows:

const result = useEnsAddress({
  name: 'avvydomains.avax',
  universalResolverAddress: AVVY_ENS_UTILS, 

# Ethers Compatibility

Ethers compatibility relies on setting the ensAddress for the network.

For example, when instantiating a JsonRpcProvider, you can provide the ensAddress as follows:

const network = {
  name: networkName,
  chainId: networkChainId,
  ensAddress: AVVY_ENS_UTILS
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl, network)

Where AVVY_ENS_UTILS is chosen from the list of ENSUtils contracts provided at the top of this document.

We can then use ethers functions related to forward resolution, such as provider.resolveName('avvydomains.avax')

The following methods are supported:

  • provider.resolveName(name)
  • provider.getAvatar(name)
  • provider.getResolver(name)
  • resolver.getText(key) (where key can be a numeric key to retrieve a standard record or a string to retrieve a custom record)

# Support

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